Join The Team!

Reach out to with interest.


It is a fundamental part of OYMT’s mission to seek the support and involvement of each team member’s parish. We believe that our Team functions best when interest and support stem first from the Pastor, are backed by the Parish, then flow down into the youth. Just as when Biblical fishermen went out to sea, the entire village had already built their nets, our Youth (and Adult Leaders) have a more enriching missions experience with the support of their home parish. In turn, team members bring their experiences and strengthened Faith back home after each trip.

August-October is recruiting season for us! Please contact today, with the blessing of your Pastor, to schedule a presentation and Q&A with your parish following liturgy.

Youth & Adult Leaders

OYMT is actively seeking new individual members for our Team! Youth who are currently enrolled in Grades 8-12 are welcome to reserve their place on the upcoming summer’s mission trip. Adults who will be 25 by the time of the trip are welcome to join the Team as Adult Leaders. Middle school-aged youth, as well as young adults aged 18-24, are welcome to reach out to us with interest. While potential roles for these ages are more limited, we’re always happy to grow our Team and have a place for everyone!

Each member signs an annual covenant affirming their commitment to the Team, our monthly trainings, and the upcoming mission trip. Our 2024 summer mission trip will be with ASP from July 20-28, 2024. Your signed covenant and $200 deposit must be submitted by November 15th.

Satellite Teams

If you or your parish are interested, but are not located within feasible driving distance of Danbury, Connecticut, reach out to us about forming a satellite team! We have developed a successful program of training Adult Leaders and Youth from afar, and empowering potential Team Coordinators to embark on their own youth missions in the future.

View Our Recruiting Presentation